Resetting Frozen iPhone: Rebooting iOS Without Deleting Your iTunes Songs

Have you ever experienced your iPhone frozen when you listen to the song? If yes, you should do a soft reset. You just reboot your apple device, so such a list of songs you’ve already purchased in iTunes will not be lost.

What You Need:

  • iPhone.
  • Spare USB port on your computer / iPhone AC adapter (if it doesn’t power up).

1. If your iPhone won’t turn on, ensure that you check the battery power of your phone.

resetting frozen iphone

Before you use your iPhone, make sure your phone has enough battery power. Sometimes you don’t notice your battery power, so your phone can’t do the reset.

  • Connect your iPhone directly into a USB port computer.
  • If you long press on a button to turn on your phone, but still does not start, it means your phone battery power is very weak. Wait up to 5 minutes to see if there’s a battery icon is displayed.
  • If the battery icon displayed on your phone screen, it means your phone is still functioning and able to reboot.

2. How to soft reset your iPhone.

  • Press and hold the on/off button and a home on the front of your screen simultaneously for 10 seconds or until the reset cycle begins.

After the reset is complete, release the button and wait whether the apple logo appears. If it appears, then you can listen to all your songs back. If your’e a iPhone SE owners, you should to have iPhone SE user manual in order to mastering your Apple device.

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